Monday, October 20, 2008

How cute are we?

I still can't used to the idea that my babies are 1 year old.  Every time I think about how fast this last year has gone, I can't help but tear up.  I just keep thinking that this time last year I was recovering from labor and we were still in the hospital with Ethan.  He was 4 pounds!!!  I look at them now, taking their first steps, signing and saying words,  and just being independent, and I am filled with so much happiness and a little fear.  Fear because I want to be able to freeze time and preserve the way they are right now.  Fear also because there are days that are so amazing and fun and I know that I will never get to relive those again exactly.  But I am also so looking forward to all the new phases that they are heading into.  Everyday is a new and exciting discovery for them, and I get to be apart of that!  Twice!  

When Dave and I found out that we were having twins we were both incredibly freaked out.  And even though this first year has been really rough at times, there have so many more ups then downs.  I thank my Heavenly Father EVERYDAY  that he trusted me with these two beautiful spirits.  I am humbled that I get to be their mother.  

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