Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Getting out...

Not that we have had much recently, but a few weeks back we had some nice warm weather, which the kids and I love! I was able to capture some pics of the kiddos out playin in the cul-de-sac and riding their bikes.

Yes, she picked out this outfit by herself. For those of you who don't see her often, let me just tell you what this child does ALL day long...change her clothes. AT LEAST 10-15 times a day. She changes from her pj's into an outfit (preferably a dress), then 5 min later back to the pj's, and so on all day. She is also obsessed with these rain boots right now. She wears them with everything! And if I even try to get her into something she doesn't want to wear, she turns into a devil child. I really love, I do. She is just a little too much diva for one house (or one Mom)!

And then there is this one! Oh, how I heart him right now! He is an angel. 'Nuff said!

They get so excited to see Daddy come home from his run.

Every day in the summer (or spring) this is what our cul-de-sac looks like. There are actually about 5 more kids that aren't in this one. Every kid and all the parents come out to ride bikes and stand around and chat. We love it!

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