Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Laundry Room Re-do

I have told you guys lately about my current obsession with projects around the house. I can't stop planning all the different things that I want to do to each room. I can't afford to do all of it right now, but some of it is affordable and just takes a little time. So, with the new year, Dave and I have agreed that I can do one room a month as long as it stays within budget. I decided to start with the laundry room since I hate doing laundry and thought that if I liked going into the room more, I might not hate the chore so much.

I started by painting the ceiling white. I then mixed some leftover paint that I had from other rooms and created the most beautiful greenish/gray color that totally perked up the room by itself. I then hung some new shelves (yes, I did it myself) that cost me a whopping $20 at Home Depot.

I then hung roman shades from the ceiling for some creative camouflaging of the shelves. Total cost of the shades were $30 from HD.

The last thing I did was have a piece of plywood cut to make a counter top for the room. That cost me $14 and I already had the paint to use on it.

Here is the before:

And here is the after:

Pretty cute, huh? I love how it turned out! It actually does make me want to go in there and do laundry (for now)! And it only cost me $64 total.

What do you think?

1 comment:

ENDub said...

I love, love, love it! It looks great Jules! Way to go Handy Manny!!