Friday, April 18, 2008

Time to Blog!

Dave with the new baby jogger and our friend/neighbor Trey with Cade

Out to lunch with Heather and our neighbors for my birthday.

O.k. so everyone else seems to have a blog these days, and since I haven't found any other good way to keep everyone updated on us and the kids, maybe this will work!  Both babies are 6 months old now and really starting to discover things.  They aren't mobile yet (thank goodness) but I know that is coming soon.  Ethan is a total crack up (just like his Dad).  He makes the funniest faces and is interested in everything, but also like Dave, only stays interested in it for a minute or two and then onto the next thing.  I get the feeling that he is going to keep me very busy once he can walk.  Addison is definitely our little princess.  She still only weighs 12 lbs!  She is all smiles all the time and has just recently discovered that she can make bubbles with her own spit.  She is fascinated with her brother and the dog.   We started them on solids (rice cereal and some veggies) and holy crap...what a mess(those of you who know me well, know that I have a problem with messes)!  Ethan will eat anything we give him and I can't seem to get it in his mouth fast enough, but Addison is NOT a fan of anything but warm rice cereal.  My Mom said that I didn't eat solids til I was over a year old so she must get that from me.  We also just bought a baby jogger and the kids love to go on runs with Daddy.  I also love having a few minutes to take my shower or at least just brush my teeth!   All in all, we are surviving.  I really had no idea how busy life would be with two babies, but Dave and I would both agree that we wouldn't change it for the world.  I promise to update this regularly, so keep checking!

1 comment:

ENDub said...

Loving this. I'm glad you joined us other blogging nerds! It's fun, and as you said, a great way to keep up.
Hugs from across the cul de sac!