Monday, December 15, 2008

What's Up?

Everyone keeps asking me what the kids are up too these days?  Or should I say INTO these days?  Here's a little glimpse into a day in the life of Addison and Ethan:

Hanging out in Dad's bathroom cabinet (there is now a lock on these cabinets)
Hanging out in one of the kitchen cabinets (these now have a lock on them too)
Climbing up on the furniture (how can I get mad at that face?)
Climbing into the tupperware drawer, throwing the tupperware out, and then screaming for me to hand him some tupperware.
Flirting with the ladies
And finally, this week we got some REALLY cold weather (it was 8 degrees with the windchill today).  Here we are braving to get out a little.

1 comment:

ENDub said...

Amen for updates! I love reading the Sobolik news, though I pretty much know all of it before I read it ;-) I love that the kids are so curious and have each other to explore with.