Friday, November 13, 2009

Here they are...

This one cracks me up.  Addie has these moments all too often and I just couldn't resist sharing.
The rest of them are great.  I didn't post my 3 favorite ones cause I used those for our Christmas cards this year.  So, look for that one in the mail soon.  Enjoy.

Thanks again Shawn.  As always, you did a great job!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Halloween '09

The kids were Dorothy and the Scarecrow from the Wizard of Oz this year for Halloween.  

My Mom made this dress for Addie.  It was SO cute.  I need to take another picture of her in it cause I didn't get a good one, and she won't fit in it for long.  Thanks Mom!
On Wed before Halloween we took them to downtown Camas for the town's Boo Bash.  They block off the main street and tons of kids swarm in for candy from the local business'.  It was so fun and I think we'll make it a tradition to go every year.

Once Ethan figured out what was going on, he was off and running to get more candy.

Friday night we carved our pumpkins for the front porch.

I was pretty impressed with how cute they turned out.
On Halloween day we took the kids to the Vancouver Mall for trick-or-treating.  It was crazy busy there, but all the kids had a good time.  We met our neighbors, Trey and Eryn, there with their two little guys.

All we were missing was the Tin Man.
Let the kiddos ride the carousel in the mall for the first time.

After that, we headed home for our annual spaghetti feed and Mom's homemade donuts.
"Gotta make the donuts."

Another great Halloween.  I love the traditions that we have, and am loving making new ones with the kids every year.  
I also love Halloween because it kicks off the Holiday Season, which is my favorite time of the year.

Time for Christmas music...right Dave?!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Look at these cuties.  We had a photo shoot with our friend, Shawn, recently and got a lot of really good ones.  More to come...


A few weeks ago we fly down to Arizona to visit my brother, Jim, and his family for a few days. 

 The flight's with the kids went better than expected.  We set up Dave's laptop and let them watch Elmo's World as many times as they wanted.  Very good idea!  We will be investing in a portable dvd player.
The first night there we stayed at a friend's house in Scottsdale.  While walking outside that night, we saw this on the top of the deck!  A bobcat!  It freaked me out and I had to get the kids back in the house asap, but Dave went back out to check it out and get some pictures.
Once in Tucson with the fam, we spent a lot of our time at the pool.

Ethan fell in love with Eliza and would not let her out of his sight.  He didn't want anything to do with Dave or I the whole time!  It was so cute.  And she was great with him. 
Eliza- if you ever want to move closer, you'll have a job!

Old Tucson Studios

Thanks for a great trip Turner's.  We love you guys!